SIMAS COVID-19 And Gamipro, Sinar Mas Insurance's Latest Innovations

JAKARTA - Until the end of September 2021, there were more than 4.2 million people who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 in Indonesia. Various efforts were made to prevent transmission. The government is promoting a vaccination program to achieve herd immunity, as well as constantly reminding the public the importance of implementing health protocols.

Today, we are slowly starting a new normal. Strict health protocols must be implemented, non-negotiable. Vaccination is a must, at least protecting us from the severity if we are infected with COVID-19.

In the midst of uncertainty regarding the guarantee of immunity against COVID-19, health insurance protection is a necessity. Responding to this need, PT Asuransi Sinar Mas launched SIMAS COVID-19, an insurance that provides special protection for COVID-19 treatment costs.

"Continually mutating the corona virus, causing the COVID-19 pandemic it is difficult to determine when it will end. Hospital data proves that treating COVID-19 patients requires a large amount of money. Insurance can protect consumers from financial risks due to the high cost of treatment," said Dumasi MM. Samosir, Director of PT Asuransi Sinar Mas in a webinar, Friday 15 October.

From several media reports, it was revealed that the costs to be borne by COVID-19 patients were relatively large. The cost of PCR, treatment in the ER, to the cost of drugs can reach millions of rupiah.

SIMAS COVID-19 not only provides reimbursement for hospital costs, but also guarantees medical costs if the Insured undergoes self-isolation.

"This insurance system is indemnity, meaning that the reimbursement for the costs incurred is maximum of the insured value. So it's not just compensation," added Dumasi.

Sinar Mas Managing Director, Saleh Husin said it was important for the community to be protected by comprehensive insurance services, especially from the impact of COVID-19 which is still hitting.

"Because anyone can be infected with different effects from one another. As I have experienced before," said the former Minister of Industry.

He admits that he prioritizes health protocols in daily life and has been living a healthy lifestyle for a long time, but he is still infected.

"Whoever and whatever the situation, don't leave the health care program, complete vaccinations and protect yourself with insurance that provides integrated services such as SIMAS COVID-19," he said.

SIMAS COVID-19 protection is easy to get. Customers can buy insurance online through the website, the Sinar Mas Online Insurance mobile application and the Star Poin mobile application. SIMAS COVID-19 can also be purchased in the form of an e-voucher.

The coverage value of SIMAS COVID-19 is varied and available in both rupiah and US dollars, in order to provide customers with many choices. The smallest premium is only IDR 250 thousand, plus discounts for family policies or group policies. In addition to affordable premiums, the relatively short waiting period is another advantage of SIMAS COVID-19.

Meanwhile, Benny Fajarai, Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Lifepal, welcomed the collaboration between Lifepal and Asuransi Sinar Mas.

"This collaboration is a form of real commitment from the two companies to present solutions to the wider community in jointly facing the COVID-19 pandemic. will get a warm welcome from the Indonesian people," said Benny.

In the same event, Asuransi Sinar Mas also launched the Gamipro Application. The games that can be accessed on this website are exclusive to Asuransi Sinar Mas business partners. Like other games, Gamipro contains a fun task list.

That said, Gamipro has succeeded in converting information about work into a fun game. The game is connected to an application that can be accessed by business partners, making it easier for them when on duty to disseminate insurance protection benefits.