At Dawn, The Body Of A Girl Who Was Attacked By A Crocodile Is Found

AMBON - The Head of Public Relations of the Buru Police, Maluku, Aipda Djamaludin said that the body of a nine-year-old girl who was pounced on by a crocodile in a river three days ago had been found by her biological father along with residents.

"The victim's father, Baba, together with the community members found the (daughter's) body today at around 02:30 WIT", said Djamaludin when contacted from Ambon, as reported by Antara, Friday, October 15.

According to him, the discovery of the victim's body after Baba and the community continued to search until dawn.

The Head of Kaki Aer Village, Teluk Kayeli Sub-district, Rahmawati Dafrullah, has visited the victim's family home since night and has given support and reminded them to pray a lot while looking for the victim so that they can be found as soon as possible.

"At 21.00 WIT, the victim's father and the village community participated in the search for the victim, and around 02.00 WIT the rest of the community returned to their homes, leaving three units to search because the victim's father said that he felt his daughter was in the initial place a large crocodile was shot", said Djamaludin.

It turned out that this father's hunch was right because he finally saw the body of this nine-year-old girl floating under a tree in the river.

"The condition of the victim's body is still intact, but on the right side of the chest there is a crocodile bite mark and the right leg looks like a scratch wound", he said.

Furthermore, the family will carry out the funeral of the victim's body this morning in Namlea, the capital city of Buru Regency.

The victim was attacked by a crocodile while bathing in a river near her house in Kaki Aer Village at around 15.00 WIT with his partner, and at 16.00 WIT her friends reported to residents that the victim was eaten by a crocodile.