2021 Local Creative Festival Supports SMEs To Grow Creative Economy In Mandalika

JAKARTA - The 2021 Local Creative Festival at the Mandalika Super Priority Destination, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), has again invigorated the spirit of local creative economy players to create new innovations for their business progress. This collaboration program between Adira Finance and the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) supports 56 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Mandalika to create national-scale products that can compete internationally.

"We believe that SMEs participating in the 2021 Local Creative Festival will become local heroes who will play a role in growing the positive stretch of creative economic activity in Mandalika, and ultimately lead to an increase in the local economy," said Head of Regional SSD - Bali & Nusa Tenggara Surya Almada Syahlani, in the webinar Thursday, October 14.

Surya assessed that holding the 2021 Local Creative Festival in Mandalika would bring SMEs to be more mature in preparing attractive products with excellent quality, so that they would get a higher selling value.

Moreover, with the construction of the Mandalika circuit, which helps this super-priority destination become the center of world attention, in addition to the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) which continues to promote the area as one of the prima donna tourist destinations in Indonesia with its natural wealth and local cultural wisdom. This condition will be a special opportunity for SMEs to show themselves, so that it can make Mandalika also known for the uniqueness of its creative economy products.

The founder of e-Camp as well as the mentor of the 2021 Local Creative Festival Kukuh Indra Prasena shared the same opinion. He hopes that the 2021 Local Creative Festival participants at the Mandalika Super Priority Destination will be able to optimize the business potential of international racing events.

"The activities during the 2021 Local Creative Festival are part of a series of SME players to produce innovative and real breakthroughs in response to market demands. Through the 2021 Local Creative Festival, SME players get relevant material so that their products and services can have economic value and are competitive in the market," he explained.

Of the 56 SMEs in Mandalika who come from the Fashion, Culinary, and Craft business categories, based on the training process and initial judging, eight local SME heroes were selected to represent Mandalika to the final round of the Local Creative Festival. They are:


- Tri Utami Jaya

- Songgajah

- Yant Sorghum


- Beautiful Lombok Pearls

- Lombok Pearls Waidah

- Roses Ketak Lombok


- Seagana Batik Sasambo

- Allea Galeri Ethnic Indonesia

- Tetjanting

These 9 local hero SMEs will undergo a more intensive coaching camp from Prasetiya Mulya ELI and e-Camp Indonesia, using methods that can be directly applied by SMEs to grow their creative businesses.

In addition, these 9 local hero SMEs will be judged by the Jury, which consists of 5 figures with expertise and experience in business and the creative economy. The jury consists of the founder of M Bloc Space, Handoko Hendroyono, as the chairman of the jury; and as members of the Jury are the President Director of Adira Finance, Hafid Hadeli; Deputy of Marketing for Creative Economy Kemenparekraf RI, Nia Niscaya; Director of HR & Marketing Adira Finance, Swandajani Gunadi; Director of Marketing for Creative Economy Kemenparekraf, Yuana Rochma Astuti; and Director of Adira Insurance, Wayan Pariama.

The jury will judge based on product innovation and originality, vision and mission, business models, and business strategies developed by SMEs from the three categories of Fashion, Culinary, and Craft. The best local SME hero selected by the jury is entitled to an award which will be presented at the Gebyar Adira Kreasi event on November 13, 2021, to coincide with the celebration of Adira Finance's 31st Anniversary at Borobudur Temple, Magelang, Central Java.

As additional motivation, the best SMEs will also get prizes worth a total of hundreds of millions of rupiah in the form of additional business capital, and exposure in various national media, both print and online. In order to make the 2021 Local Creative Festival a success, Adira Finance collaborates with several parties to support its implementation, both from the government and the private sector, such as MUFG, Zurich, Adira Finance Syariah, as well as Baba Rafi Enterprise, and Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute (ELI).

Through the 2021 Local Creative Festival, Adira Finance provides support for the national campaign #BeliKreatifLokal and Proud to be Made in Indonesia. This activity is held in line with the company's commitment to give the best contribution to the nation, in order to improve welfare. This is in line with Adira Finance's vision of "Creating Shared Values to Improve Prosperity".