International Flights To Bali Opened, But It Takes One Month To Bring Foreign Tourists

DENPASAR - Deputy Governor of Bali Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati or Cok Ace said the readiness of the island of Bali to receive foreign tourist visits (tourists) was officially opened today.

Deputy Governor Cok Ace said, there are three components to support Bali's readiness to receive foreign tourists in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, which has not yet fully ended.

"The three components are tourism business actors, the community and the government," said Cok Ace, Thursday, October 14.

According to him, business actors, especially those in the tourism industry, have made a number of preparations, including following the Cleanliness, Health, Safety & Environment Sustainability (CHSE) certification or cleanliness, health, safety, and environmental sustainability.

In addition, Cok Ace said that currently 1,576 business places including Tourist Destinations (DTW) have pocketed CHSE certificates. In addition, business actors on the Island of the Gods are also active in the success of the PeduliLindung application utilization program that is being intensified by the government.

"The government is targeting 10,000 applications for business places in Bali. As of October 10, 2021, 9,322 business places in Bali have used the PeduliLindung application as an entry requirement," he said.

As for the quarantine of foreign tourists, there are 35 hotels that have been prepared as quarantine places for new arrivals. In addition, the Bali Provincial Government also anticipates the possibility of foreign tourists who are known to be positive for COVID-19 based on the results of screening at the airport.

"We hope that nothing is positive, but we must anticipate it anyway. If there are positive ones, we will classify them in placement. We will prepare a certified isolation hotel for those without symptoms and are connected to the hospital. Meanwhile, those with symptoms will be referred immediately. to the hospital," he explained.

Cok Ace said that the community was very enthusiastic about welcoming the opening of Bali for foreign tourists. This enthusiasm is shown by obedience in implementing the health protocols that are a condition for opening Bali to the outside world.

"The community's contribution is extraordinary. From the survey results, Balinese people are the most obedient in implementing health procedures, especially in the use of masks, reaching 95 percent," he said.

According to him, the active role of the community is also shown by their support for the vaccination program. Currently, the first stage of vaccination is 99 percent complete and the second stage of vaccination is close to 84 percent. In addition to the support of business actors and the community, the government takes a role in preparing health facilities and infrastructure.

"We have prepared 62 referral hospitals and 25 laboratories that are ready to serve if needed," he said.

Even though everything is ready, Cok Ace understands that foreign tourists do not necessarily arrive. From the results of his discussions with business actors who usually bring in foreign tourists, it will take at least 3 weeks to 1 month.

"Today it is opened, the results may only be seen at the end of October or early next year. Because they need time to socialize, prepare visas and bookings. But for charter flights, they might come sooner," he said.

Although the arrival of foreign tourists has not been immediately seen when Bali opened, this is of the opinion that this policy gives new enthusiasm and hope for tourism actors on the Island of the Gods. "Hopefully, the COVID-19 situation in Bali, which is now under control, will continue to slope," said Cok Ace.