Hundreds Of Students Who Fight In Karawang Participate In State Defense Training

KARAWANG - Hundreds of students from 30 schools in Karawang Regency, West Java, took part in disciplinary training, state defense and national insight.

"Students who take part in this upgrading receive education in state defense and physical training," Dandim 0604 Karawang Lt. Col. Inf Medi Haryo Wibowo was quoted as saying by Antara, Wednesday, October 13.

In addition, the junior high and high school / vocational students also get other training to form a responsible mental and character and do not harm others.

According to him, the goal of disciplinary upgrading begins with the coordination of the Karawang Muspida to see the current situation during face-to-face learning (PTM), which has the potential to have many unexpected things, such as student brawls, illegal racing, and other actions that violate student discipline.

The majority of students who attended the disciplinary, state defense and national insight training were students who had special records in their respective schools. They were given a special note for engaging in brawls, racing wildly, and perpetrating other types of public order disturbances.

The Karawang Police Chief, AKBP Aldi Subartono said, to anticipate actions to disrupt the Kamtibmas carried out by students, he deployed the Sector Police in coordination with the Camat, Danramil and Student Task Force to be more active in socializing and campaigning so that there would be no more illegal racing, and other harmful actions.

"We will also process legally for students who are proven to have committed criminal acts," he said.