76th East Java Anniversary, Khofifah Determined To Restore The Economy From The COVID-19 Pandemic

SURABAYA - East Java Province celebrates its 76th birthday. East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa, calls for East Java to rise from the COVID-19 pandemic and the economy to recover soon.

"God willing, with extraordinary social capital, the cultural base of Majapahit, I believe East Java will always be at the forefront in all fields. To become a friendly and tolerant home for all the nation's children, prosperous and happy," said Khofifah, in Surabaya, Wednesday, October 13th.

Khofifah said that the people of East Java are tough individuals, who are able to get out of difficult times like now. One clear evidence is that East Java is the only province of level one COVID-19 in Java and Bali, as well as 32 regencies/cities level one according to the Ministry of Health level assessment on October 9.

Khofifah said, East Java's success has certainly inspired other regions to also be able to enter level one, as a sign that COVID-19 control is maintained. Based on the RI Ministry of Health level assessment, it was recorded that 32 of the 38 regencies/cities in East Java were declared level one and six other districts/cities were declared level two.

With these conditions, Khofifah believes that East Java can enter the trial stage for the new normal, which is currently only being tested in Blitar City. So that the wheels of the economy can turn fast again.

"To all the people of East Java, I call for immediately rising from the impact of this COVID-19 pandemic. Show that East Java is strong, full of enthusiasm, and always optimistic," he said.

Khofifah also expressed her gratitude to all East Java Forkopimda, vertical agencies, Regents/Mayors and Forkopimda, religious organizations and mass organizations, universities, economic actors, educators and education staff, health workers, press personnel, sports athletes and East Java residents who have worked hard. , work together to deal with COVID-19.

"Happy 76th East Java Anniversary," said Khofifah.