Tips For Storing Mint Leaves To Keep It Fresh And Fragrant For Months

JAKARTA - There are many different ways to keep mint leaves fresh and fragrant even if they are stored for a long time. One of them is to put it in a glass container filled with water. If you still want to know other methods of storing mint leaves, try some of the ones below.

Wash the mint leaves and stems

Gently wash the mint leaves and stems under cold running water. Please be careful not to damage the leaves. After that, dry and place the leaves on a paper towel.

All types of herbal plants should always be washed before use or storage. This is because there is a lot of dirt and bacteria or residue from pesticides and fertilizers.

Cut the lower stem

Use scissors to cut off the stem end of the mint plant. This will allow the herbs to absorb water more easily. Be careful not to cut the mint stalks too short as they will be difficult to place in the container later. Cutting the stems at a slight angle will increase their water intake.

Soak the stem tip of the mint plant

Soak the tips of the mint stems in a few inches of water. Fill a small vase, jar or other shallow container about a third full. Place a bunch of mint sticks first in the container so that the cut ends are completely submerged.

With this technique, your mint leaves will continue to have a steady supply of water and increase storage time. Don't forget to change the water in the container every few days to keep it clean. Always use clean water to make it last longer.

Wrap the mint plant in plastic

Wrap the mint leaves in plastic. Use a rubber band to secure it. You can store it in the refrigerator, or simply out in the open in the corner of your desk.

If properly covered and given plenty of water, your mint will last for weeks, or maybe as long as a month. Mints stored in the refrigerator will usually last a few days longer than mints stored at room temperature.