Stimulating Digital Transactions, Bank Mandiri Shares 100 BMWs And 1,000 Vespas

JAKARTA- PT Bank Mandiri Tbk. continue to make a number of important efforts to spur customer digital transactions through the Livin by Mandiri integrated application.

Most recently, the state-owned bank held a prize program by donating 100 BMW cars and 1,000 Vespa motorcycles for selected customers who are active in virtual transactions through the company's official channels.

Bank Mandiri Network and Retail Director Aquarius Rudianto said this strategy is believed to be able to boost the number of users and total digital transactions.

“Actually, this gift giving program is a form of appreciation to customers for the trust and support that has been given. However, this program is also expected to attract new customers with the offers we provide," he said in a press statement on Wednesday, October 13.

According to Aquarius, the latest Livin by Mandiri service allows people to open an account in just 5 minutes with a face recognition feature that is directly connected to Dukcapil.

"We certainly want the services and programs offered to increase public awareness, both customers and non-customers, of Bank Mandiri products," he said.

Just so you know, until the first eight months of 2021, customer transactions on the Livin digital application were recorded to have successfully penetrated 627 million transactions.

This amount produces a quite fantastic value, which is Rp. 1,043 trillion as of the end of August 2021.

Meanwhile, active users of the Livin application are claimed to reach 8 million users, or an increase of 43 percent on an annual basis.

Meanwhile, the prize program from the bank codenamed BMRI started on October 2 and will be drawn every week until December 31.