Police Denies The News That Metro TV Editor's Murderer Was Seen
JAKARTA - There are reports of two witnesses who saw the alleged perpetrator of the murder of Metro TV editor Yodi Prabowo. The news was obtained when the police held a crime scene (TKP).
Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said the news could not be trusted immediately. This is because everyone who passes at the scene of the incident could be suspected of being the perpetrator.
"Don't pretend. Investigators know better. Anyone passing by is definitely suspicious of everyone. (But) people can pass," said Yusri at Polda Metro Jaya, Thursday, July 23.
In fact, Yusri emphasized that since the alleged murder case, various issues have circulated in the community. However, there is no evidence that can confirm its truth. Because, the investigation process is still ongoing.
In addition, with the emergence of news about the sight of the suspected perpetrator, he said, the public was asked not to speculate immediately. Investigators are currently working hard to find strong evidence and information that leads to the perpetrators
"Do not wander and be led there. Later if someone wants to come out. Investigators already know all what has happened," he concluded.
Yodi was found dead on Friday, July 10 on the side of the JORR Toll Road, Ulujami, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta. Yodi died allegedly because he was murdered and was found dead after three days of missing.
In addition, the results of the investigation of the alleged murder victim because Yodi found two stab wounds on his body. First on the neck and chest.
Until now, the police are still trying to solve this case. Dozens of witnesses have been examined. They come from family to colleagues.