Wisma Athlete Hospital Today: Add 10 COVID-19 Patients, Total So 223 People

JAKARTA - A total of 223 patients who were confirmed positive for the corona virus (COVID-19) are still being treated at the Kemayoran Athlete Wisma Emergency Hospital until Tuesday, October 12.

"Patients have increased by 10 people," said Marine Colonel Aris Mudian, head of the Information for the Joint Defense Region I Command, in Jakarta.

Aris explained that the number of patients under treatment on Monday, October 11 was 213 people. Patients who entered came from the DKI Jakarta area.

Aris explained that the COVID-19 patients were treated in towers 4, 5, 6 and 7. The patients were treated with mild symptoms. The capacity of the Wisma Atlet Kemayoran RSDC is able to accommodate 7,937 patients. Thus, currently there are 7,714 empty beds.

For the recapitulation of patients from 23 March 2020 to 12 October 2021, a total of 128,362 patients were registered. Where 128,139 patients have been discharged with details 126,504 declared cured, 1,039 were referred to other hospitals and 596 people died.

Meanwhile, at the Wisma Atlet Pademangan Emergency Hospital, 4,911 people were inpatients as of Tuesday. That number decreased by 312 people compared to Monday, October 11, which was 5,223 people. The patients were treated in towers 8.9 and 10. Previously, the Coordinator of the Wisma Atlet Kemayoran COVID-19 Emergency Hospital (RSDC) Major General TNI Task Force Ratmono stated that centralized isolation facilities also provided health services and medical assistance to COVID-19 patients without symptoms and symptoms. mild so that those with moderate and severe symptoms can be treated at a referral hospital.

Maj. Gen. Task invites all parties to continue to carry out health protocols in a disciplined manner. According to him, vigilance by complying with the 5M health protocol is the most important thing so that COVID-19 cases do not rise again.

"I've been here for more than a year. From the data, if there is negligence in carrying out health protocols, the number of patients who come will definitely increase. The number of patients at Wisma Atlet accurately describes the condition of the COVID-19 pandemic," explained Task.