More Than Half Of COVID-19 Cases In Indonesia Recover

JAKARTA - The accumulation of COVID-19 cases that have been declared cured is more than half of the total confirmed positive cases. Patients who recovered have undergone specimen tests twice and showed negative results for COVID-19.

Based on data from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) as of July 23 at 12.00 WIB, there were 52,164 patients who had formed antibodies in their bodies. Meanwhile, the accumulation of positive cases currently reaches 93,657 people. This means, cases recovered reached 55.7 percent.

As of today, new cases of COVID-19 have increased by 1,906 cases. Then the number of cases recovered was 1,909. Then, 117 cases died and a total of 4,576 people.

Then, the province with the most new cases was in DKI Jakarta with 470 cases and a total of 18,068 cases. Then, East Java has 357 new cases and a total of 19,450. East Java is also the province with the most accumulated cases in Indonesia.

Furthermore, Central Java with 295 new cases and a total of 8,021 cases. South Sulawesi has 120 new cases and a total of 8,547 cases. South Kalimantan with 116 new cases and a total of 55,332 cases. Then, North Sumatra has 100 new cases and a total of 3,263 cases.

Then, there are 4 provinces that reported no new cases today. The provinces are West Kalimantan, Riau Islands, Jambi and East Nusa Tenggara.

In addition, the number of specimens examined reached 1,310,924. In detail, a total of 1,279,768 specimens were examined using real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and 31,156 using a molecular rapid test (TCM).

"Today there are 35 labs that have not reported the PCR examination results in Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Jambi, Bogor, Sukabumi, Cilacap, Purwokerto, Probolinggo, Bangkalan, Surabaya, Mojokerto, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Batam, Bandar Lampung, Kupang, Sorong. , Pekanbaru, Makassar, Palembang and Medan, "said a quote in the Ministry of Health's data on Thursday, July 23.

Finally, the number of people suspected of having contracted COVID-19 or who are currently categorized as suspected cases, was recorded at 47,756 people. Meanwhile, the number of areas affected by the corona virus has reached 469 districts / cities out of 34 affected provinces in Indonesia.