Two Villages In Jepara Experience 1-1.5 Meters Of Abrasion Per Year

JAKARTA - A total of two villages in Kedung and Donorojo Subdistricts, Jepara Regency, Central Java, experience abrasion of about 1-1.5 meters per year. in Tanggultlare Village (Kedung District) and Bandungharjo Village (Donorojo District)," said Acting Assistant II of the Jepara Regional Secretary Wasiyanto after attending the planting of mangrove seedlings at Tanggultlare Beach in Jepara, reported by Antara, Tuesday, October 12. He revealed that the worst abrasion occurred in Tanggultlare Village because it resulted in the loss of residents' villages so that they had to move to safe areas, while in Bandungharjo Village it was limited to reducing land owned by residents. For handling, he said, it was necessary to study the local hydrological conditions first, because of the experience in Tanggultlare Village when abrasion was handled at certain points. instead moved to another location.

Nevertheless, the program for planting mangrove seedlings needs to be appreciated because it can prevent abrasion, especially during the rainy season and when there are big waves. will disappear so that later it will not grow," he said. Jepara Police Chief AKBP Warsono targets that by December 2021 his party will be able to plant 70,000 mangrove seedlings by cooperating with various related parties. he said. With the reforestation program through the "Mageri Segoro" program initiated by the Central Java Regional Police, it is hoped that it can prevent disasters and natural damage on the coast of Jepara Beach. Not only at Tanggultlare Beach, later mangrove trees will also be planted in other locations.