How To Soften Hair To Grow And Easily Tangle

JAKARTA - Having fluffy and easily tangled hair is a problem that is very likely to be faced by many women. Frizzy hair can be caused by moisture loss caused by hair care products that contain alcohol, hot styling tools, or alkaline shampoos.

If you are looking for ways to deal with frizzy and frizzy hair, keep reading the following article.

Wash with shampoo with hydrating ingredients

Quoting the Lifestyle magazine page, Tuesday, October 12, a professional hair stylist, Stephen Thevenot said that use a shampoo containing glycerin because this can provide moisture to the hair. Avoid hair care products that contain alcohol, as they can dry out your hair even more.

Wash hair with cold water

Washing your hair with warm water will only make it more brittle, dry, fluffy, and easy to tangle. For that, you should use cold water when rinsing hair.

Coconut oil is good for body care

Coconut oil is high in lauric acid, which when applied to the hair can be easily absorbed, can help add moisture to the hair, and reduce hair loss of protein.

You can use coconut oil before and after shampooing. Apply coconut oil to your hair before shampooing, then let it sit for 15 minutes. After that, shampoo until there is no remaining coconut oil attached.

Reduce rough friction

Rubbing your hair into a towel after shampooing also has the effect of making your hair more fluffy and frizzy. As a workaround, dry your hair with a microfiber towel to prevent frizz and unruly hair.