Good News From Bandung City, 12 Referral Hospitals Have Zero COVID-19 Patients

JAKARTA - The Bandung City Health Office noted that there are 12 referral hospitals for handling COVID-19, which now have zero COVID-19 patients.

Head of Health Services at the Bandung City Health Office, Yorisa Sativa, said that of the 30 referral hospitals, 17 of them were filled with patients. Meanwhile, there is one hospital that does not treat COVID-19 patients because it is being renovated.

"In the data, there are 13 hospitals with zero COVID-19 patients, but one hospital, namely Sariningsih Hospital, has zero availability because it is under renovation", Yorisa said in Bandung, West Java, as reported by Antara, Monday, October 11.

As for the 30 hospitals, there are 1,112 beds available for handling COVID-19. Of these, now only 104 beds are occupied by patients.

The hospital that handles the most COVID-19 patients is the Santosa Kopo Hospital. Meanwhile, Hasan Sadikin Hospital, which is the reference for West Java, only handles 17 COVID-19 patients.

Yorisa said the 104 patients came from various regions in West Java, so not all of them were from Bandung.

"So the 104 patients came from various regions, patient data from the city of Bandung is also mixed in that number", he said.

Yorisa said that since October 6, 2021, the hospital occupancy rate or Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) has continued to decline.

On October 6, the BOR figure was 10.39 percent, but now it continues to decline every day to 9.35 percent on October 10, 2021.

According to Yorisa, cases of death are now increasingly rare. So according to him, the declining number of COVID-19 developments from all aspects shows a positive thing.

"People remain vigilant, prioritize health protocols with 5M, and don't be careless, also remind each other", said Yorisa.