Commission II Of The DPR Asks The Government To Immediately Form A Panel Of Candidates For KPU And Bawaslu Members

JAKARTA - Member of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Guspardi Gaus, asked the government to immediately form a selection committee (pansel) for the selection of candidates for members of the General Election Commission (KPU) and the General Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2022-2027 period.

Given, he said, the term of office of the commissioners of the KPU and Bawaslu RI ends 2 years before the presidential election (pilpres), legislative elections (pileg), and regional head elections (pilkada) in 2024.

"The commissioners of the KPU and Bawaslu RI for this period will end their terms in April 2022. Based on the mandate of Law Number 7 of 2017 Article 22 paragraph 8 and Article 118, the selection committee for the recruitment of election organizers must have been appointed by the President no later than six months before the end of the term of office. current commissioner," said Guspardi, Monday, October 11.

In addition, he said, the formation of the Pansel aims to give organizers enough time to prepare for the 2024 simultaneous general election and local elections. According to him, it is much more complex than the previous election.

Guspardi hopes that this panel will be filled with people who have integrity, are professional and understand elections. However, he said, the quality of the Pansel must be directly proportional to the candidates for KPU and Bawaslu members who will serve in the next period. "In addition, the Pansel cannot be affiliated with political interests. said the PAN politician. According to the legislator from West Sumatra, the capability, integrity and professionalism of the Pansel will be very influential when screening and determining candidates for KPU and Bawaslu members who have strong electoral skills, are independent, and have integrity.

"Furthermore, they can create a quality and quality democratic party," he said. Therefore, Guspardi considered that the government has the most role in determining the quality of KPU and Bawaslu commissioners in the future as the party recruiting the panel.

Meanwhile, the DPR, he added, could take on a role after the Pansel got a number of names for the fit and proper test stage.

"What we underline the most is that the candidates for KPU and Bawaslu will control the electoral system, starting from the regulations and technicalities for the comprehensive presidential, legislative and regional head elections," concluded Guspardi.