After The Riots, Parigi Prison Transfers Inmates Victims Of Alleged Violence To Poso Rutan

PARIGI - The Parigi Class III Correctional Institution, Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi, transferred prisoners who were victims of alleged violence by unscrupulous guards to the Poso Detention Center, Poso Regency, after the riots.

"The transfer of prisoners is a measure for security so that they can calm down, because this is related to the psychology of prisoners," said Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kanwila Kemenkumham) Central Sulawesi Lilik Sujandi, in Parigi, quoted by Antara, Friday, October 8.

Lilik explained that prisoners who were victims of violence had undergone medical treatment and that his party would investigate the incident, including examining five guards suspected of committing violent acts.

The local police are committed to following up by asking for information from both parties so that the information is balanced.

"Investigators from the Parigi Moutong Police have conducted an examination. Of course we are following the legal process," said Lilik.

Meanwhile, the prison officer suspected of being involved in the commotion has now been transferred to the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Central Sulawesi. In addition, the Regional Head of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has temporarily taken over command.

"The examination that we will carry out will be transparent. Anyone who is wrong will be followed up according to the applicable regulatory mechanism," he asserted.

After the commotion, the situation at Parigi Prison is conducive, including service activities that have returned to normal. He seeks to improve services in order to pay attention to inmates to remain orderly, including enforcement of discipline. Local authorities also approach and improve other services, such as simultaneous prisoners' rights.

"There was no serious damage. Our officers and inmates have cleared the debris," said Lilik.

Parigi Moutong Police Chief AKBP Andi Batara Purwacaraka explained that five inmates suspected of being victims of violence had undergone post-mortem and the results were in the hands of the police and the examination process had begun.

"The examination of victims and witnesses is already underway. We are waiting for the results from the investigators," said Andi Batara.