Mount Ile Lewotolok NTT Erupts Up To 26 Times A Day

JAKARTA - The Lembata Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) monitors the Ilw Lewotolok Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara, which is still showing its volcanic activity since it erupted again in December 2020 until today.
Based on data compiled from the results of coordination with the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG), Ile Lewotolok volcanic eruptions can occur up to 26 times a day.
“An increase since the beginning of this month. In fact, in the past two weeks, there have been 25 to 26 eruptions per day," said Geril H Noning, Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of the Lembata Regency BPBD, Geril H Noning in his statement, Friday, October 8.
Geril said that the mountain, which is located in the northern part of Lembata Island, Lembata Regency, emits volcanic ash on average with a height of between 300 and 800 meters from the peak.
The rain of volcanic ash that fell from the mountain with an altitude of 1,432 MDPL, continued Geril, had an impact on a number of the volcanic buffer areas.
However, residents remain calm and can adjust and have followed directions from the authorities. "The community is ready with this condition and if anything happens," he said.
To provide support to the community in the context of mitigation and capacity building, the Lembata Regency BPBD has actively provided socialization related to the Ile Lewotolok eruption.
"The Lembata Regency BPBD has also prepared community evacuation sites and provided socialization to them about what is needed and how to reach the refugee camps if an eruption-related evacuation is necessary," he explained.
In addition, the Lembata Regency BPBD also continues to provide information to the public so that they are always alert in case of rain at the top of the Ile Lewotolok volcano. Because this can cause cold lava. Until now the status of Ile Lewotolok is still at level III or "alert".