Map Of The 2020 Pilkada Coalition In Tangsel And Depok

JAKARTA - Many guerrilla political parties carry a number of figures ahead of the registration of regional head candidates for the 2020 Pilkada. Including the regional elections which will be held in South Tangerang (Tangsel) and Depok.

So far, there are three pairs of candidates for regional head who are being championed in Tangsel. First, the pair Muhammad and Rahayu Saraswati who are promoted by the Gerindra Party and PDIP.

Gerindra Chairman Prabowo Subianto, officially, has submitted a recommendation of support to the two pairs. This statement of support was accompanied by the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto.

"I am proud to submit this recommendation to Muhammad as the candidate for the Mayor of Tangsel for the 2020-2024 period, and Rahayu Saraswati Djojohadikusuo as the Deputy Mayor of Tangsel," Prabowo said, Tuesday, July 21.

Muhammad is the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Tangsel City, which is promoted by PDIP. Meanwhile, Rahayu Saraswati Djojohadikusumo is a Gerindra Party cadre and Prabowo's nephew.

Other candidates in the 2020 South Tangerang Regional Election are Benyamin Davnie and Pilar Saga Ichsan who are promoted by the Golkar Party and reportedly PPP has joined in carrying this pair. These two candidates are quite close to the Mayor of South Tangerang, who is currently serving in his second term, Airin Rachmi Diany.

Currently, Benyamin is still the Deputy Mayor of Tangsel. Meanwhile, his running mate, Pilar Saga Ichsan, is a Golkar cadre as well as the son of Banten Regent Ratu Atur Chosiyah. Pilar is also related to Airin.

Other candidates for Mayor of Tangsel are Siti Nurazizah and Ruhama Ben. Aziziah is the daughter of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin while Ruhama is a PKS cadre.

Secretary of the Democratic Party's DPP Election Winning Agency Kamhar Lakumani said Azizah and Ruhama were promoted by the Democratic Party and PKS. Kamhar also claims PKB and PSI will join this coalition.

"Bu Azizah is collaborating with Pak Ruhama Ben as a candidate for Deputy Mayor of the PKS and a coalition of parties that have successfully established communication with PKB and PSI, which God willing, in the near future will issue a decree supporting Mrs. Azizah and Pak Ruhama Ben," said Kamhar when contacted. , Tuesday, July 21.

Depok Pilkada

In the Depok Regional Head Election, the prospective regional head candidates were filled by incumbents who broke up partnerships. The current Mayor of Depok, Muhammad Idris, will run for office again. Likewise with Deputy Mayor of Depok Pradi Supriatna.

Depok Mayor Muhammad Idris does not belong to the party. He is an independent candidate since the 2015 Pilkada. Idris does not have a single party handle.

However, he claimed that the PKS that had once carried him would close again. He also claimed that he would be supported by four other parties, namely the Democrats, PAN, PPP and PKB.

"Pilkada will be on December 9, 2020. Alhamdulillah, hopefully in due time, I will make a declaration with my partner. Of the 5 parties. (Coalition) Arranged plus PKS. Must declare later when everything is finished," said Idris.

Meanwhile, Deputy Mayor of Depok Pradi Supriatna is no longer compatible with his partner who has led Depok City for nearly five years. Now, Pradi, who is a cadre of the Gerindra Party, will collaborate with PDIP cadre Afifah Aliyah and will be supported by his respective parties.

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