The Fast Box Car Hits A Tree, The Driver Is Pinned On The Dashboard

DEPOK – Allegedly due to sleepiness, the driver of the Fast Sis expedition hit a tree on Jalan Raya Juanda, right in front of Pesona Square Mall, Sukmajaya, Depok. As a result, the driver of the car with the initials ID (33) was squashed by the wrecked car. ID was taken to the hospital, and is now in critical condition.

The Head of the Gakkum Satlantas of the Depok Metro Police, AKP Rasman, said that the accident occurred at around 22.30 WIB. Allegedly, said Rasman, the driver was sleepy so he could not control the speed of the car. ID hit the separator and a tree in the middle of the road.

"The head of the car was badly damaged and the driver was crushed and the evacuation process for the victims took almost an hour, assisted by the Depok City Fire Department," he said after confirmation, Wednesday, October 6.

AKP Rusman admitted that based on the testimony of witnesses from the crime scene, the Laka member's car was moving from east to west, then suddenly swerved to the right and hit the center divider separator and a tree.

"At the time of the incident, the victim, the driver of the car, was squashed by the wrecked car body. The evacuation process lasted about an hour, assisted by firefighters using a grinder, the victim was successfully evacuated," he said.

In addition to the condition of the car which was badly damaged, continued AKP Rasman, the driver's condition suffered serious injuries.

"The condition of the driver of the car is critical and members have helped him take him to the Hermina Hospital, Depok City. We have brought the car that had an accident to the Laka office for evidence. Meanwhile, the driver cannot be questioned because his condition is critical at the hospital," he said.