PKS Rejects IKN Bill Discussed: Potentially Burdening Small People Because VAT Rates Are Designed To Increase

JAKARTA - Member of the Legislation Body (Baleg) from the PKS faction, Bukhori Yusuf, views that the discussion of the Draft Law (RUU) for the State Capital (IKN) is not a priority and is urgent to discuss. Considering that currently all parties are trying to recover the economy due to the pandemic that has lasted almost 2 years.

He said this was in response to the Presidential Letter (surpres) regarding the IKN Bill which was received by the leadership of the DPR on Wednesday, September 29, last.

"We don't think it's time to force ourselves to discuss the IKN Bill, considering that our priority now is economic recovery," said Bukhori in Jakarta, Wednesday, October 6. According to him, there are four crucial issues that the government must prioritize because they have a direct impact on the community.

First, the problem of unemployment. Records from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) as of February 2021, stated that the COVID-19 pandemic has made the unemployment rate increase. The largest increase in unemployment occurred in the group of people aged 20-29 years.

"In detail, the Open Unemployment rate (TPT) has increased by 3.36 percent compared to last year which was previously at 14.3 percent for the population aged 20-24 years. Meanwhile, the second largest increase in TPT occurred in the population aged 25-29. year, which is an increase of 2.26 percent compared to 2020, which is 7 percent," explained the member of Commission VIII of the DPR.

Second, regarding the provision of employment opportunities. Referring to the same data, Bukhori said that the open unemployment rate for university graduates reached 999,543 or almost one million people. This figure increased from the previous year, which was 824,912 people. Meanwhile, high school graduates still remain as the largest contributor to the unemployment rate, which is 2.3 million people. In fact, the government should be able to guarantee the provision of massive employment opportunities so that our educated resources can be optimally empowered to encourage economic growth. And it needs to be underlined, the provision of these jobs must be prioritized for indigenous people, not for foreign workers," he quipped.

Third, economic issues. PKS, he said, understands that the pandemic has had a very hard impact on the economic sector, especially on the aspect of state revenue. This is suspected to be the government's reason for establishing new regulations on taxation through the Tax Regulations Harmonization Bill (HPP) in order to raise state revenue from taxes.

However, said Bukhori, PKS has rejected this bill because it has the potential to cause economic injustice to the community.

“This bill has the potential to burden the poor because the VAT rate is designed to increase, and basic needs such as basic necessities and other public services can be taxed at any time. But sadly, the tax evading conglomerates will be pardoned through Tax Amnesty as regulated in this bill," he stressed.

Fourth, about law enforcement. Bukhori regretted the 'bent' verdict handed down by the Corruption Court for the defendant in social assistance corruption, former Social Minister Juliari Batubara, and the defendant in the bribery case, the former Pinangki Prosecutor because it was difficult to accept common sense. Unfortunately, he said, it was not only the panel of judges who had problems, the decision of the prosecutors who refused to file maximum demands for the two corruptors also deserved to be questioned.

“These two precedents are sufficient evidence that shows a smudge on the face of the legal system in Indonesia. Until now, we are still demanding the government's commitment to upholding the law that fulfills the people's sense of justice,” explained the member of the DPR for the social commission.

The four problems above, according to Bukhori, have invited serious attention from the public and are eagerly awaited for their resolution. Thus, a law is expected to provide a solution to the four main issues.

"Then, what is the solution with the IKN Bill?," he asked. On the other hand, the legislator for the Central Java 1 electoral district explained that the relocation of the capital city was not just moving the physical building, but also the system. culture, attitude, infrastructure, and superstructure.

Therefore, he considered, the Government needs to prioritize common sense and wisdom regarding the relocation of the nation's capital city. "It's legal to move the capital city as long as it takes into account the right momentum. But the question is, is it our priority, especially when the country is experiencing an economic contraction due to the pandemic?," concluded Bukhori.