Cities Led By Anies Baswedan Are Vulnerable To Disasters, Legislative Council Of Indonesian Parliament Supports The Capital To Move To East Kalimantan

JAKARTA - Member of the Legislative Council of the Indonesian Parliament, Neng Eem Marhamah Zulfa, supports the government's plan to continue the process of building a new capital city in East Kalimantan.

According to her, moving to the new capital city is very urgent. This is because DKI Jakarta is currently experiencing land subsidence of 5-12 cm per year.

If the rate of land subsidence in the city led by Anies Baswedan continues, it will be more vulnerable to tidal flooding and flooding.

"There are many problems in DKI Jakarta that are difficult to solve at this time", said Neng Eem at the Indonesian Parliament Building, Tuesday, October 5.

Another impact, continued Eem, is the increased risk of damage to road and bridge infrastructure, building degradation followed by a decrease in property values.

"So, I support this government idea", said the PKB politician. It is known that the Government has submitted a Presidential Letter and a draft of the Draft Law on the State Capital (RUU IKN) to the Indonesian House of Representatives.

The Presidential Decree and the Draft Bill on the State Capital were handed over by the Minister of National Development Planning, Head of National Development Planning Agency, Suharso Monoarfa, and Minister of State Secretary, Pratikno, to the Chair of the Indonesian Parliament, Puan Maharani, last Wednesday, September 29.

Eem considered that the RUU IKN was a new chapter after the discussion faded amid the COVID-19 pandemic. However, he explained that the Legislative Assembly has not yet discussed the bill.

"It has not been formally discussed in Legislative. But IKN is important and urgent. Of course, preparations must also be discussed comprehensively at Baleg Indonesian Parliament later", concluded Neng Eem Marhamah.