PON XX Tandem Cross-country Paragliding Will Enter The MURI Record, The Target Is 23 Parachutes

JAKARTA - The paragliding sport at PON XX Papua for the cross-country tandem number is planned to be included in the recording of the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI).

Chairman of Indonesian Paragliding Wahyu Yudha told Antara in Jayapura, Tuesday, that this cross-country tandem will be the largest tandem in the world.

"The target is 23 tandem parachutes," he said.

According to Wahyu, the paragliding competition on Tuesday was an individual and team tandem cross-country.

"The plan is to start at 10 am Jayapura time," he said.

Previously, the sport on Monday had completed the first round of cross country events (Cross Country), for the individual male, female individual, men's team and women's team categories.

This cross-country event was attended by all athletes consisting of 46 male athletes and 18 female athletes from nine provinces, where this activity was carried out at the Paragliding arena in Kampung Buton, Jayapura City.

Meanwhile, on Friday last week, the paragliding sport had completed the fourth round of landing accuracy in the XX Papua PON.

This landing accuracy tandem number was attended by 23 pairs of paragliding athletes (a total of 46 people) from nine provinces, and was held at the Kampung Buton arena, Jayapura City.