'Maybe Mrs. Risma Lagai Is Tired, So She Can Be Upset', Said Governor Rusli To PKH Officers Who Were Cursed By The Minister Of Social Affairs

JAKARTA - The Governor of Gorontalo, Rusli Habibie, invited the assistant of the Family Hope Program (PKH) Fajar Sidik Napu to his private home. Rusli asked Fajar to forgive the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini, who last week had a viral video scolding him.

Fajar was invited by Rusli to come to his house in Moodu Village, Gorontalo City, last Sunday, October 3. There, Rusli listened to the story from Fajar's version who became a victim of Risma's angry actions. Rusli encouraged Fajar and his PKH companions to remain sincere and sincere in working with residents.

"So Mr. Fajar, maybe the minister was tired at that time so she could be upset. I apologize to the minister and forgive me too. This is just a miscommunication between us," said Governor Rusli, quoted from the official website of the Gorontalo Provincial Government, Monday, October 4.

Rusli admitted that he had received a personal WhatsApp from Social Minister Risma. The message was sent to his wife, Idah Syahidah, who is also a member of Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

"As governor, I also apologize to the Minister, if there is a sentence, my attitude that offends the Minister, I ask for forgiveness," said Rusli humbly.

Risma's angry actions were recorded in a video which eventually circulated widely on social media. In the video, initially a man standing on the right side of Risma is talking while occasionally holding a cellphone. Risma also occasionally responds to the man's statement. "So we don't cast, huh," said Risma while holding the microphone, like in the video. Risma then walked up to the man angrily and pointed with an object such as a pen. "Don't shoot you, you don't shoot," said Risma to the man wearing a red shirt. It's not clear why Risma suddenly acted like that. However, when Risma was walking, the man in the red shirt who was originally sitting down stood up. "Don't shoot you," said Risma, this time pushing the man using an object like a pen. Suddenly the man who had been standing when Risma was approached suddenly sat down due to Risma's encouragement. The atmosphere of the meeting became silent at that time. Risma was still standing in place for a few seconds while looking at the man in the red shirt. Not long after, Risma finally returned to her seat. Again, Risma threw a high note again. He discussed about DTKS. "DTKS, DTKS are crossed out. I don't dare to cross," said Risma in a high tone.