Important Points To Note If You Want Vegetable Plants At Home To Grow Thriving

JAKARTA - Growing vegetable crops is not easy. It can be successful in one crop, but it can also fail on other occasions. Factors such as soil, fertilizer, and patience are the keys in caring for vegetable crops to grow properly.

The quality of the growing media is the first step. This planting medium includes soil. Make sure the soil is loose and the seeds planted grow well. Quoted from Womantalk and the book Komunitas Urban Farming a la Indonesia Berkebun, Monday, October 4, here are a number of points that need to be considered in land selection.

Make sure the selected soil is loose soil. The general formula is a mixture of soil, manure, and burnt husks in equal amounts, which is 1:1:1

Use the top of the soil because this part contains good humus for the growth of fertilizing bacteria.

If the top soil is hard to find, use the type of loam or sandy soil that is around us. Please note, the function of the soil is as an adhesive for manure, burnt husks, and water.

Especially for clay, the ratio of soil, organic fertilizer, and burnt husk is 1:2:2.

The next stage is when the planting medium has been selected, namely;

Mix the planting media with liquid organic fertilizer (POC) that has been dissolved in water.

Water regularly until damp, not wet. Mix with dry leaves often watering. The leaves will decompose into compost which also functions as organic fertilizer.

After each watering, cover the soil with a tarp. Do the flush-cover step for three days. Stir occasionally for good air circulation.

In the final step, your planting medium will feel cold and worms will appear. The planting medium is ready to use.