Suspected Of Being Charmed Because A Cell Friend Is Screaming, Detainees In Bali Beat The Victim To A Beatle

Karangasem - A prisoner named I Wayan Carma abused a cell prisoner named Ajral at the Class IIB Correctional Institution (Lapas) Karangasem, Bali.

The Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM) of Bali Province, Jamaruli Manihuruk explained that the perpetrator, I Wayan Carma, was a prisoner entrusted to him from the Amplapura District Court, Karangasem.

"There has been an act of violence by a prisoner of the Amlapura District Court on behalf of I Wayan Carma against a fellow detainee on behalf of Ajral in detention room number 2, block C, male guest house," said Jamaruli in a written statement in Denpasar, Bali, Monday, October 4.

The persecution took place at midnight Friday, October 1st. It is suspected that the perpetrator suffered from a mental disorder and committed violence against Ajral. The victim was battered in the face due to repeated blows.

Before committing the assault, the perpetrator ordered his blockmate in the detention cell to sleep. After all the prisoners fell asleep, the perpetrator immediately assaulted the victim. The other detainees were able to intervene, the guard officers also secured the perpetrators to solitary confinement.

"Detainee Ajral was immediately taken to the Karangasem Hospital for further treatment. The Class IIB Karangasem Prison has also contacted the Amlapura District Court to issue a banning letter for victims of Ajral's violence," added Jamaruli.

Meanwhile, the perpetrators were immediately questioned by officers. The perpetrator admitted that he was angry because he thought he was enchanted by the victim so that the perpetrator could not sleep for 3 days.

"The confession is that people praying are a bit muttering. It's thought to be a spell so that he (the perpetrator) can't sleep," said Jamaruli explaining the perpetrator's confession.

The perpetrator is a recidivist of the abuse case that was entrusted by the Amlapura District Court to the Class IIB Karangasem Prison in late August 2021.

Jamaruli explained that the detention process was carried out in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) including the inspection of luggage and health protocols. When the officers brought the perpetrator to the Karangasem prison, he was also accompanied by a health certificate.

"However, while in prison, the perpetrator is difficult to communicate with, both with officers and with fellow detainees or inmates. The prison has also contacted the Amlapura District Court so that prisoner I Wayan Carma alias Dogolan can immediately undergo a psychiatric examination at the mental hospital, " said Jamaruli.