Residents Complained Because The Water Was Always Dirty, Dedi Mulyadi 'Smashes' Illegal Miners In Subang

SUBANG - Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) Dedi Mulyadi found illegal mining activities in Sagalaherang District, Subang Regency, West Java and stopped its activities.

"Illegal mining activities are dangerous, because there is no planning. So they must stop," said Dedi, quoting Antara, Saturday, October 2.

The finding of illegal mining activities began with reports from residents of Curug Agung Village, Sagalaherang District, Subang who complained that the flow of water to the rice fields was always dirty and sandy. The condition of the river water is also cloudy.

After being investigated, it turned out that this condition was due to sand mining in the Bunihayu area, Jalancagak District, Subang.

There are four companies that carry out mining activities in Bunihayu. Of the four companies, there is one company that does not have a license or is illegal.

This was directly acknowledged by Andri, the owner of the Sumberjaya company which carried out illegal mining in the Bunihayu area.

"Yes sir, the permit is still being processed," said Andri when asked by Dedi Mulyadi.

Furthermore, Dedi tried to stop the illegal mining activities. As compensation, the DPR RI member gave money to a number of workers.

"I came here not wanting to cause harm. These are the workers I gave money to buy rice," he said.

The Deputy Chairman of Commission IV of the DPR RI assessed that mining activities that do not have a work safety plan and standards tend to be dangerous for workers.

"Usually, the dredged cone is big at the bottom, small at the top, but this is the opposite. There is a risk of landslides hitting those who work," he said.

He requested that the mining company immediately take care of the permit and make a good mining plan. Because if illegal mining continues to be carried out by the owner, it can be subject to criminal penalties and workers have no guarantee of safety.