According To Survey: Women Think Men With Beards Are The Best Sexual Partner

JAKARTA – For a man, lengthening his sideburns or sideburns requires special treatment. For example, after eating or drinking, wiping or cleaning up stuck debris.

A study conducted by the University of Queensland, involving 8,000 female respondents with heterosexual preferences stated that men with beards were more attractive.

Another study based on the results of a Wall Street Journal interview with dermatologist, Anthony M. Rossi explained that a beard in winter will be a natural scarf. Plus, according to a Popular Science report, beards can warm up by 1 degree.

According to review Isadora Alman, MFT, educator, author, and certified marriage, sex, and family therapist, a survey of 4,550 women reported on the physical features of their best sexual partners. First, most surprising, three-quarters of female respondents reported that a man with beard is their best partner.

The second physical feature is a brown-eyed man. And the third report of the pierced man and the fourth, the broad-shouldered man.

Physical impressions on men taken from reports of female respondents, are not far from perception. Reported by Psychology Today, Friday, October 1, 2008 research by Neave and Shields on women's perceptions to assess attractiveness, masculinity, and male dominance.

The results of the study reported that women are more attracted to men with thin beards. Men with a fit, bearded appearance are preferred as short-term and long-term partners.

Another study, conducted in 2013 by Dixson and Brooks, found a more complex report. In the research report, respondents reported that men with thick beards were considered to have ability, health, and more attention.

So far, notes Jeremy Nicholson MSW, Ph.D., men with medium-length beards are considered more attractive as sex partners and bushy beards are perceived as having 'fatherly' traits and abilities.

This research report may differ according to the preferences of each person. That is, compatibility in pairs is not determined by the beard.