Inaugurating 129 Surabaya City Government Officials, Mayor Eri Cahyadi: Don't Waste Your Trust, Give The Best Service To The Community

SURABAYA - Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi has transferred and rotated 129 officials within the Surabaya City Government (Pemkot). Mutations and rotations are carried out to fill vacancies in several Regional Apparatuses (PD), starting from offices, sub-districts and urban villages.

The inauguration ceremony for 129 officials took place at Graha Sawunggaling, Surabaya City Government building, Friday, October 1. In details, there are four Heads of Service/Heads of Sections, five Sub-district Heads, 30 Lurahs, 76 Sub-District Heads/Sub-District Heads/Urban Sub-District Heads and 14 Sub-District/Agency/Departmental/Head Secretaries.

Eri Cahyadi in his speech said that sub-districts and sub-districts are at the forefront of community service. Therefore, he asked the newly appointed officials to work as much as possible.

"Therefore, I really want to show that the Surabaya City Government can provide the best service for its people," said Eri Cahyadi.

He again reminded all city government officials, especially those who have just been inaugurated, to change the mindset that the sub-district and sub-district offices are not places for exiles. For Eri, the kelurahan or sub-district is the best place and is the spearhead of the Surabaya City Government.

"When you (you) are given a mandate today for the best to the community, then never waste this trust. Because our service is our obligation and duty as state officials and officials," he said.

However, Eri also emphasized that the position of a structural official does not mean that he will carry out the mandate forever. Because, Eri Cahyadi will evaluate the performance of these officials whether it is in accordance with the output or target set.

"I will do an evaluation once a year. This evaluation is about your (your) performance in relation to whether your output is appropriate or not. When your output is not appropriate, you can stop being functional to be retrained, what training and education are lacking, or it could even be staff," he said.

When officials are unable to achieve the resulting output, Eri judges it a fatal mistake. Even so, the official who was just sworn in today should be proud because he has been given the trust to carry out the mandate and responsibility.

"Today you (you) should be proud, because I give you confidence. Because of the hundreds of people who have been assessed, only you have passed," he said.

Eri Cahyadi hopes that the results of this assessment will not only be the best in written form. But how can the results of the assessment be implemented in the community? He believes that the newly inaugurated officials are able to carry out the mandate that has been given.

"I hope that with today's inauguration, firstly, community services will be faster. Second, innovation, especially in urban villages and sub-districts, is faster. I believe Njenengan (you) is there," he said.

The former head of the Surabaya City Development Planning Agency (Bappeko) again advised the inaugurated official to let go of his ego as an official. Eri Cahyadi wants the officials to instill in their hearts that they are public servants. This is because their salary comes from taxes paid by the community.

"This is the time for you (you) to provide the best service for the community. I believe you are great people, trustworthy and can sacrifice for the community. Congratulations on serving with a sincere heart, fighting selflessly and always making the people of Surabaya happy," he concluded.