Ma'ruf Amin's Message So That Islamic Boarding Schools Don't Become The New Cluster For COVID-19

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin reminded Islamic boarding schools to carefully prepare health and prevention protocols for COVID-19, before reopening. This is because Islamic boarding schools have the potential to become a new cluster of corona virus transmission.

"If it is not properly prepared, this (pesantren) can be a danger. Children come, then someone is exposed, it can become a new cluster in the pesantren," said Ma'ruf Amin in a video uploaded to the official Youtube account of the Indonesian Vice President. Sunday 19 July.

According to him, when students are accepted back into the dormitory, a test must be carried out. Then also need to prepare the availability of health facilities in Islamic boarding schools.

Ma'ruf asked every santri who would come to be confirmed negative for COVID-19 first. After the test results come out, the students can then re-enter.

"Therefore, first, those who enter must be sterile, so they must first undergo a rapid test that they are not infected. Then there is a place to wash hands and so on, the rooms are well regulated. If not, then the pesantren could become a new cluster for COVID-19. 19, "he explained.

Based on his experience, Islamic boarding schools could be the safest places to spread COVID-19. The reason is, the students who came from the beginning were separated from outside activities, where they settled in the hut to get education.

"If it is well prepared, the pesantren is the safest. Because he is quarantined, then escorted, don't let him leave, don't let anyone enter. So he is safer than ordinary school people who leave, he mingles here and there," explained Ma. 'ruf.

Ma'ruf also said that the government has allocated Rp 2.7 trillion for 21 thousand Islamic boarding schools. The funds can be used to fulfill health protocol facilities in pesantren, health care, and internet provision.

Including the government will also provide incentives for ustaz-ustazah through the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health. In addition, health facilities in the pesantren will also be assisted by the Task Force, BNPB, BPBD, and the Health Office in each region so that health protocol standards are met, namely having a place for washing hands, sanitation and a place for wudu clean.