Good News From The Ministry Of Manpower, Additional Salary Subsidy Assistance For 1.79 Million Workers

JAKARTA - Good news for formal sector workers/laborers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker) will expand the coverage of recipients of the Wage Subsidy Assistance Program (BSU) nationally in 34 provinces spread across 514 cities/regencies.

According to the Director General of Industrial Relations and Social Security (PHI & Social Security) of the Ministry of Manpower, Indah Anggoro Putri, the policy for expanding BSU recipients was decided due to the remaining budget and after coordinating with the National Economic Recovery Committee (PEN) and the Ministry of Finance to expand the scope of program recipients. BSU.

"The remaining BSU budget is IDR 1,791,477,000,000 and will target 1,791,477 workers. The budget set and given by the PEN Committee for the BSU Program is IDR 8.7 trillion for 8,783,350 workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic," said Indah Anggoro Putri. , quoted from his written statement, Thursday 30 September.

Indah Anggoro Putri explained that the realization and progress of the BSU program has currently been distributed to 6,991,873 workers/labor with a budget allocation of Rp6.9 trillion.

"We also received information, we have to report the BSU. Alhamdulillah, as of today, we have made significant progress, from the target of 8,783,350 workers," said Ndah Anggoro Putri.

Indah detailed the actual data on BSU recipients received by the Ministry of Manpower as many as 8,508,527 prospective recipients. Then after checking and verifying, it was found 758,327 data on workers who duplicated social assistance or had received other social assistance, so that the data was deemed not to meet the requirements for recipients of the BSU Program.

"We have verified the data to avoid other social assistances and have been excluded from the BSU data," said the Director General of Putri.

The 2021 BSU program was originally intended to be completed and distributed entirely to recipients who meet the requirements according to the Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 16 of 2021 until the end of October 2021. This is in accordance with the direction of the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah.