Closing Medan Gambling Locations, Bobby Nasution: Leave Gambling, Religion Forbidden

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution once again showed his seriousness in fixing Medan City, by closing one of the locations for gambling places in Medan Selayang.

The closure of the gambling location on Jalan Bunga Ester, PB Selayang II Village, was led by the acting sub-district head of Medan Selayang, Viza Fadhana together with the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), the police, and the local community. because the manager put up a fight. Viza immediately reported the condition to Bobby. From behind the phone, President Jokowi's son-in-law firmly ordered the place to be closed that night.

"(The closure) of the gambling establishment is the result of a public report that the Medan Selayang sub-district head and law enforcement officers take immediate action," said Bobby Nasution, quoted by, Wednesday, September 29.

Bobby Nasution admitted that his subordinates had contacted asking for directions regarding the closure of the gambling place, due to resistance.

"I appreciate that the sub-district head immediately responded to reports from residents, he immediately called asking for directions regarding the closure. That night I said to close it immediately, contact friends from the police, Forkopimda, and finally it was implemented," said Bobby Nasution.

Bobby Nasution asked the community to be proactive in reporting any practices that violate the law and disturb the public, such as gambling. He ensured that the Medan City Government would respond and follow up on reports from the public.

Kahiyang Ayu's husband asked his subordinates not to hesitate to take firm action to the point of closing locations that were used as gambling venues in their respective neighborhoods.

"I ask the community that we should just leave gambling, we are currently having a hard time during the COVID-19 pandemic, we don't have to do anything that is prohibited by religion and existing regulations," he concluded.