DKI Provincial Government: Like The Mandalika MotoGP, Formula E Is An Investment To Boost Indonesia's Image

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government equates the Formula E event in Jakarta in June 2022 to the MotoGP at Mandalika in March 2022.

Quoted in his official document, the staff of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said that Formula E benefits Indonesia in the eyes of the world, starting from the tourism, investment, and trade sectors.

"Similar to the March 2022 Mandalika MotoGP, Formula E June 2022 is a medium and long-term investment, to boost Indonesia's image and open wider economic opportunities in the future, including for tourism, investment, and world trade," wrote the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government statement. on Wednesday, September 29.

The DKI Provincial Government has denied the notion that Formula E does not help restore the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. They claim Formula E will have a financial impact, economic impact, and reputational impact.

"The economic impact is the multiplier effect it causes. The reputational impact gives a message that Indonesia is back to business. The financial impact is the benefit that Jakpro (BUMD) gets," said the DKI Provincial Government.

So far, the DKI Provincial Government has disbursed a budget of IDR 560 billion from the Regional Budget (APBD) to pay the commitment fee in 2019 and 2020.

However, they emphasized that almost all world events require government funding, including the 2018 Asian Games and the Mandalika MotoGP.

"The 2018 Asian Games, MotoGP Mandalika 2022, and Formula E June 2022 are not a waste of the state/regional budget (APBN/APBD) because they provide tremendous economic benefits and reputation for Indonesia," he explained.