Minister Of State Secretary: New Capital City Becomes Indonesia's Progress Motor
JAKARTA - Minister of State Secretary, Pratikno, said the New State Capital (IKN) in Kutai Kartanegara-Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan is not just a government office. IKN will also be the motor and catalyst for Indonesia's progress in the future.
"Don't imagine that this will only be a government office, but a new city, a city of the future, a city that can become a magnet for great talents and at the same time become an engine, become a motor, become a catalyst for Indonesia's progress", said Pratikno after handing over the letter. The President related to the New State Capital Bill to the DPR (House of Representatives), quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 29.
Pratikno said the big idea of the new IKN was not only to move the capital city but also to build a sustainable innovation center and become a source of inspiration, as well as a motor for Indonesia's progress in the future.
"That's probably more than the capital city", said Pratikno.
Today President Joko Widodo sent a Presidential Letter related to the Draft Law on the State Capital to the DPR.
The Presidential Letter was handed over by the Minister of State Secretariat Pratikno and the Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa, and received by the Chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani.
Puan said the DPR is in line with the government's stance on the need to move the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia.
"The leadership of the DPR received the Minister of State Secretariat and the Head of National Development Planning Agency who brought the Presidential Letter regarding the State Capital. The DPR is in line with the government regarding the need to move the national capital", said Puan.
Puan explained that the idea of moving IKN had been conveyed by the First President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno, to move IKN to a better and useful place for the welfare of the community.