KPK Opens Investigation Of Alleged Acceptance Of Procurement Bribes And Approval Of Regional Budget, And Searches Muara Enim Regional Representative Council
JAKARTA - Acting Spokesperson for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, said that his party was investigating allegations of bribery in Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra.
"KPK is currently investigating cases of alleged corruption in the receipt of gifts or promises related to the procurement of goods and services at the Minister For Public Works and Human Settlements (PUPR) Service and the Ratification of the 2019 Muara Enim Regency Regional Budget (APBD), starting in September 2021," Ali told reporters, Wednesday, September 29.
In this investigation, the KPK has examined a number of witnesses. However, Ali did not specify what the witnesses were.
"In this activity, the investigation team has also searched a number of rooms in the Muara Enim Regional Representative Council (DPRD)," said Ali.
Even so, he did not mention what investigators found during the search. However, Ali ensured that the anti-corruption commission continued to work on collecting evidence and summoning witnesses.
Later, the KPK will convey in full the construction of the case and the perpetrators. However, this was conveyed at the same time as the detention after the arrest.
"The KPK will, of course, convey in full the construction of the case, the articles that are suspected, and the parties named as suspects, when an attempt is made to force arrest and/or detention," said Ali.
"We will continue to provide updates on the handling of the case so that the public can participate in guarding and supervising it as a form of transparency in the implementation of the tasks of eradicating corruption," he concluded.