Launches Collaboration With The Ministry Of Investment And Kemenkop UKM, Tokopedia Helps SMEs Get Business Permits Online
JAKARTA - Tokopedia together with the Indonesian Ministry of Investment / Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and the Indonesian Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs launched a collaboration to facilitate and disseminate information regarding the registration of the Business Identification Number (NIB) through the Online Single Submission (OSS).
The Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM, Bahlil Lahadalia, stated, “Through the NIB, Micro and Small Business actors (UMK) with low risk will be given facilities in the form of a single license. This means, NIB applies as legality, Indonesian National Standard (SNI) and Halal Product Guarantee Certification (SJPH) for business actors."
"Other benefits that can be obtained by MSMEs after having an NIB include easier access to financing (banking) for business development, easier access to government assistance programs and legal certainty or protection for businesses," Bahlil added.
On the same occasion, CEO and Founder of Tokopedia, William Tanuwijaya, said, "Tokopedia is committed to #AlwaysAdaSelalubisa to help local MSMEs build businesses, one of which is through collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Investment / BKPM and the Ministry of Cooperatives and Indonesian SMEs to make it easier for them to get business permits just through the palm of their hand. hand. Local MSMEs are the pillars of the nation's economy so that their existence and progress need to be sought by all parties."
According to data from the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, since its launch last month the Risk-Based OSS system has issued 247,005 NIBs during the period August 4-September 28, 2021. Total Micro Enterprises dominate 95.55% or 235,015 NIB and Small Businesses at 3.21% or 7,923 NIB.
The Indonesian Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, Teten Masduki also said, "The government continues to encourage the transformation of MSMEs from the informal to the formal sector through the use of digital channels. This joint effort with Tokopedia in assisting socialization, education and facilitating MSME actors regarding business licensing and NIB assistance is expected to make it easier for MSMEs to register NIB and develop business in the midst of a pandemic."
Following up on the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Tokopedia and the Indonesian Ministry of Investment/BKPM in May 2021, Tokopedia has socialized the registration of NIB through OSS to business players at Tokopedia and invited a number of MSME players to conduct trials on the latest OSS system as well as develop their business.
Dakara Indonesia and Durable Indonesia are examples of local business activists at Tokopedia who have registered their NIB through the OSS system. Both of these business activists felt that the registration process was faster and more efficient thanks to the OSS system.
On the other hand, through the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Tokopedia and the Ministry of Cooperatives and Indonesian SMEs, various initiatives for MSMEs were also presented. For example, in the socialization of NIB registration through OSS, Tokopedia and the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs RI will also facilitate business licensing related to MSMEs.
There is also online business assistance for local MSMEs assisted by the Ministry of Cooperatives and Indonesian SMEs regarding business and product marketing for MSMEs aimed at increasing digital literacy insights.
Previously, Tokopedia together with HIPPINDO and the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs RI had also presented a Free Vaccination Program for MSMEs in Jakarta, Semarang, Bandung and in the near future Solo.