Luhut Is Back In Charge Of MSMEs, This Time Promoting A Platform Called DigiKu

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment is working with the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, collaborating with Himbara and e-commerce to launch a Digital Lending facility available in e-commerce for digital micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

The capital loan facility is named DigiKu. The purpose of establishing this facility is because MSMEs are the backbone and glue of the national economy.

The robustness of the Indonesian economy rests on MSMEs. Because of that, the growth must be really supported from Sabang to Merauke.

The Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said DigiKu is a solution for MSMEs to get capital. In fact, the process required to apply until the disbursement only takes 15 minutes.

"This program aligns the MSME partner database to a digital system based on customer data owned by Himbara. Alignment of this data will facilitate and accelerate the process of submitting and approving loans for MSMEs. In just 15 minutes, I will repeat it in just 15 minutes," he said , in virtual discussion, Friday, July 17th.

Luhut said, through this innovation, the government provided financial capital assistance worth IDR 4.2 trillion. This fund will be distributed to 1 million UMKM units in the digital ecosystem. In fact, said Luhut, the target will continue to increase in line with the absorption carried out by MSMEs.

"Today we will witness innovations that answer the capital needs of MSME players, in the form of online loan distribution for MSME partners," he said.

According to Luhut, the digiKu program is a proof of Himbara's support for MSME actors. He hopes that by launching this program, MSMEs in all corners of the country can feel the benefits.

Furthermore, said Luhut, with this facility innovation the vital role of MSMEs as a support and glue for the national economy can continue.

"I believe that MSMEs have the ability to continue to innovate and be creative together," he said.

In addition, Luhut invites all parties to support and take part in purchasing products made by MSMEs. According to him, taking a role in this movement means helping to roll out the wheels of UMKM production and stretch the national economy so that Indonesia can get out of the pressures of COVID-19.

"Certainly all our enthusiasm and efforts will bear sweet fruit, for the advancement of our beloved country," he said.

Luhut also said, since the Indonesian-made proud movement (BBI) was launched on May 14 by President Jokowi, to date there are more than 1 million UMKM units that have entered the digital ecosystem.

UMKM Capital Absorption is Still Low

Luhut said, there are many challenges that must be faced by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). One of them is access to capital.

"The absorption of UMKM's capital is still low. That's why Pak Airlangga is working hard to ensure that this capital can run down," he said.

Even though the incentives provided by President Joko Widodo through Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani for the MSME sector were not small. The government has allocated a budget of IDR 124 trillion for MSMEs in the National Economic Recovery Program (PEN).

Luhut explained that the low absorption is because many business actors are looking for capital loans but are hampered by the administrative process implemented by banks.

"So we urge banks to loosen up, especially in the context of COVID-19, administrative processes in helping MSMEs," he said.

According to Luhut, in solving this UMKM problem, an innovation is needed. He emphasized that the innovation must also have elements of efficiency, expanding benefits, and increasing quality.

"As ordered by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), we should not throw away the rules that bind ourselves," he said.

Luhut said, in times of crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is very important to encourage the digitization of MSMEs. This is so that MSMEs can survive and access a wider market.

Furthermore, Luhut also explained, until now there are 1 million MSMEs that have joined the digital ecosystem or market their products online. However, according to him, this figure must be boosted.

The former Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security said, MSMEs play an important role and contribution to Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP). By the end of 2019 this sector had contributed more than 60 percent of GDP and 14 percent of total national exports.