Mark Zuckerberg's Disappointment With Trump In Overcoming The COVID-19 Pandemic In The US

JAKARTA - Once mentioned as a supporter of the President of the United States (US) Donald Trump, now Mark Zuckerberg has expressed his disappointment. Because Trump is claimed to be slow in dealing with the corona virus pandemic in the US.

He was even confused when the call for wearing masks in public places recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was ignored by the public. Even the reason for wearing a mask has become political.

"I was sympathetic from the start when it became clear that there would be some outbreaks. But now it's July, and I think it's inevitable. It's very disappointing," commented Zuckerberg, as quoted by CNBC, Friday, July 17.

This was disclosed during an online interview with immunologist Anthony Fauci which was broadcast via Facebook. Zuckerberg also criticized the White House for being slow in testing COVID-19 samples, including the government's stance on allowing its people to travel without wearing masks.

"Our government, and this administration, is significantly less effective at dealing with this," said Zuckerberg, comparing the recent spike in US cases with other countries seeing a drop in new cases.

Fauci responded that there was indeed a new spike in COVID-19 cases in a number of US states. Some of them are Florida, Arizona, Texas and California, which now have an increasing number of new coronavirus cases.

In a conversation with Zuckerberg, Fauci appealed to everyone including young people to continue to maintain social distancing and other measures to reduce the spread of the virus.

"Please take social responsibility as part of the solution, not part of the problem. You have not only a responsibility for yourself but also a social responsibility that you are infected not only in a vacuum. You are spreading the pandemic," Fauci stressed.

Until now, US COVID-19 cases are still increasing very rapidly and there are more than 60,000 positive cases recorded. Of these victims, the average person infected is a younger person, and many of them do not show symptoms of being infected with COVID-19.