Megawati Sindir Indonesia Who Always Imports Rice

JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) Megawati Soekarnoputri pointed out that imports are the main solution in solving the problem of rice shortages. Not preparing agricultural land from now on.

"When we are experiencing a shortage of rice, we always say or always have to import," Megawati said on the sidelines of the announcement of a regional head candidate from PDI-P, Jakarta, Friday, July 17.

According to Mega, Indonesia should take the example of neighboring countries that have prepared themselves to meet their basic needs. So that they do not depend on other countries to meet their needs.

"Those who are the centers of rice are like Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, I think they are now trying to fulfill their own needs," he said.

Thus he suggested that the relevant agencies or ministries prepare Indonesia as a food independent country. He said this must be implanted in the minds of Indonesian officials. Including regional heads of parties.

"For this reason, some time ago I launched the planting movement not only as a companion, but a substitute, we make it a companion such as corn, cassava, taro, tubers, breadfruit, sago," he said.

Moreover, continued Mega, Indonesia is a country rich in various natural resources, especially in the food sector. However, he considered this country does not have a good management system with proper management.

In fact, he has long said that Indonesia must be sovereign in the food sector. This has been conveyed to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) some time ago. "We must always stand on our own feet. It must be instilled, must believe," he said.

Furthermore, Mega said it was a must for the government to be able to meet the food needs of all people. Moreover, it is not impossible that one day there will no longer be an exporting country that can provide rice supplies for Indonesia.

"If no exporting country gives us rice, will we always be silent? I don't think so. Because to fill the food itself is actually done by working together, moving fast, and like I said we don't always eat rice. We need to take what is. the names are things that we can make food, "he concluded.

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