Magelang Residents Welcome The Free WiFi Program In Every Neighborhood Unit

MAGELANG - The people of Magelang City, Central Java welcome the free Wifi program for every community unit launched by the municipal government because it is useful for meeting communication and information needs at any time, especially in the midst of this pandemic everything requires internet access.

"Wifi is no longer a luxury, but has become a basic need. For children's online learning, work, and CCTV monitoring," said a resident of RW03 Wates Village, North Magelang District, Ira Setyaningsih, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 28.

He said that since the COVID-19 pandemic, children usually study online but stay at people's homes that have WiFi.

"Of course you can’t do whatever you want if you’re using other people’s WiFi, the passwords will always change," he said.

Head of RT01/RW03 Wates Village, Ludy Hermawan, said that recently residents had discussed the request for WiFi to the Magelang City Government.

The residents, he said, were enthusiastic if the program was immediately realized.

"We have discussed at the community meeting, indeed asking for the installation of WiFi, for children's online activities and to support other community needs, including CCTV monitoring facilities in the village," he said.

According to him, the program must be clear, including the designation, technical and installation locations, as well as maintenance.

"Don't let it become an obstacle later, the allocation is not appropriate so that it causes conflict or jealousy between residents," he said in a written statement from the Protocol and Communications Section of the Magelang City Government.

Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Magelang City, Handini Rahayu, explained that WiFi for neighborhood unit (RW) is one of the flagship programs of the Mayor of Magelang, Muchamad Nur Aziz, to support the Learning Center program, develop business potential, and other community needs.

"WiFi for this RW is the flagship program of the Mayor of Magelang related to the Learning Center, used to provide 'support' (support) for poor people, especially students, as an online facility, and so on," he said.

In addition, he said, for the development of the potential of RT/RW, such as MSMEs, which are currently mostly directed through online marketing.

He admits this program raises concerns regarding its use.

"There are indeed concerns, whether it will be used properly. But it is a challenge for the government. There will definitely be signs/stipulations on who is responsible, how, and who can access and other technical matters," he said.

In fact, his party will cooperate with providers so that they limit or only provide appropriate services, for example only educational content that can be accessed.

This, he said, was to anticipate the misuse of utilization for various unnecessary things.

He said this program is part of the IDR 30 million per neighborhood unit program which is part of the Learning Center program.

Arrangements related to technical and health protocols (prokes) for preventing COVID-19 are left to each RW.

Magelang Mayor Muchamad Nur Aziz said that free WiFi in every RW was a fulfillment of a promise when he campaigned in the 2020 Regional Head Election (Pilkada).

He hopes that the community can take positive benefits from the service.

In addition to learning online, he said, as a supporter of MSMEs and realizing 1.500 startup businesses.

"People can use this free WiFi for positive things, as a means to market MSMEs, increase knowledge about progress around them, it is also aimed at realizing 1.500 'start ups' (pilot businesses). We hope that WiFi is used optimally and optimally, " he said.