Menpora Create A Road Map To Strengthen The Foundation Of Sports Athlete Development

JAKARTA - Coaching from an early age is one of the factors in the creation of outstanding sports athletes. It takes a strong foundation for coaching to be truly successful.

The Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora), Zainudin Amali said, the foundation of fostering Indonesian athletes is the main focus for Kemenpora to build national sports. This was conveyed by the politician from the Golkar Party in the Webinar of Achievements and Welfare of Athletes in the Design of a National Sports System held by the PKS Party Faction of the DPR RI, Thursday, June 16.

"I want to make a strong foundation as a basis for national sports development, for that we make a grand design and a national sports road map,"

Minister of Youth and Sports, Zainudin Amali

It is undeniable that currently there are not many achievements that Indonesian athletes have been able to make in the international arena. Currently, only a few sports have succeeded in bringing their athletes to fly the Red and White flag through the championship podium.

This man from Gorontalo thinks that one of Indonesia's weaknesses is not designing sports coaching. He said that the athletes found at this time were not the result of well-designed and tiered sports coaching.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Gatot S Dewabroto, said that his party was moving quickly in compiling a grand design and road map for national sports as a strong foundation for national sports development. This step was taken in accordance with President Joko Widodo's direction of wanting Indonesia to host the 2032 Olympics.

"For this reason, we are preparing from now on the coaching of athletes aged 10-12 years and in 2032 these athletes have reached their peak to achieve achievements," said Sesmenpora.

However, he admitted that Kemenpora's budget for sports is still very minimal. This, continued Gatot, is the homework of Kemenpora.

"We also have to have strong justification so that the sports budget can increase," he said.