Storm So Cause Thousands Of Penis Fish Strewn On California Beach

JAKARTA - People in the Gulf of California, United States (US), were shocked by thousands of worms or often called penis fish, which were stranded on the coast. The presence of invertebrates is also a food for seagulls.

Quoting from Live Science, thousands of penis fish emerged after California was hit by dark weather and storms. The penis fish is about 25 cm long.

These creatures are usually found in sand or mud, because they often dig into the sand. A biologist at Bay Nature, explains that the round pink animal is actually a species of marine worm known as the Latin Urechis caupo.

"I don't know what the creatures were, they were along my two mile walk. I walked for half an hour and the creatures were scattered all over the place. There were seagulls that lined up along the shore and ate them so much they could barely stand up. , "the story of a resident, David Ford, quoted from Live Science.

Penis fish is included in the worm segmentation, as well as leeches and earthworms. But over time, fish penis body is smoother and lighter in color.

The fish penis is also often called the 'fat house owner'. This is because the excavations made by fish penis are often used as a place to live by other marine animals such as crabs, shrimp, and shellfish. Penis fish can also live for 25 years.

The cause of scattering of penis fish on the coast of California is caused by strong storms such as El Nino. Biologist Ivan Parr at BayNature said the strong storms were able to break up sand sediment and destroy thousands of worm-made holes, scattering them on the beach.

"We see the risk of building houses out of sand. Strong storms, especially during El Nino years, can actually encircle the intertidal zone, break up sediment, and let the contents of the sand washed ashore," Ivan Parr wrote, quoted by CNN.

Californians may be a little unfamiliar with these animals. However, in other countries, such as in the Asia area penis fish is a common marine animal. Even in Korea, penis fish is used as a dish because of its soft and salty taste.