Lodewijk Getting Stronger Chosen By Airlangga Hartarto As Deputy Speaker Of The DPR

JAKARTA - Golkar DPP chairman Firman Soebagyo explained that his party had held a meeting to discuss the issue of Azis Syamsuddin's resignation as Deputy Speaker of the DPR after being named a suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

"Last week, we had a limited meeting that decided the issue of Mr. Azis for resigning, not being dismissed," said Firman at the DPR Building, Monday, September 27.

"In the end, the prerogative of the general chairman was determined and everyone agreed on it, because there should not be a vacancy," he continued. Regarding the name of Secretary General Lodewijk F. Paulus, who has been strengthened to fill the position of DPR leadership replacing Azis Syamsuddin, Firman did not say for sure. However, he acknowledged that the name had already been agreed upon. Including the matter of changing the Deputy of Golkar.

"He'eh (determined by Lodewijk-ed), regarding the replacement of the second waketum in the field of Polhukam, Mr. Adies. In the social sector, because Mr. Lungkono was the ambassador, I replaced the Vice-Chancellor for social affairs. The three decisions were the same as what was decided," said Firman. "God willing, there will be a plenary meeting tonight at the DPP," he added.

Firman was again reluctant to mention with certainty Lodewijk's election as deputy chairman of the DPR for the field of Korpolkam. Diplomatically, Firman said that all seniors of the Golkar party have equal opportunities. "It is best for all of them because the party must also be able to reduce internal possibilities. All Golkar cadres have potential opportunities to occupy that position. They fulfill all the requirements, especially senior ones," he said.

"With Mr. Lodewijk it can be considered to reduce the possibility that will occur in the future," he continued.

Firman added that all Golkar Party cadres will obey the results of the general chairman's decision. "When the leadership hit the hammer, everyone agreed, God willing, this is the best," he said.

It is known that several names have emerged as candidates for the leadership of the DPR to replace Azis Syamsuddin. Among them, Adies Kadir, Kahar Muzakir, and Lodewijk F. Paulus. Sources met by VOI at the DPR Building said that Lodewijk had been appointed as a candidate for Deputy Chairperson of the DPR RI to replace Azis Syamsuddin, who resigned. It's just that they are still waiting for an official announcement from the General Chairperson of Golkar, Airlangga Hartarto.