Puan Reviews Vaccination In Kalideres, Reminds No Residents To Be Left Behind Vaccinated

JAKARTA – The COVID-19 vaccination program is expected to be evenly distributed to all residents. This hope emerged from the Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, so that no citizens were left behind in the COVID-19 vaccination program.

"That's right, you have to pick up the ball, sir. The point is not to let people get left behind (vaccinated) because of limitations," said Puan when monitoring the implementation of vaccinations in densely populated settlements in West Jakarta, which was released on Sunday.

Sunday, September 26, Puan visited the vaccination program for 1,000 residents of Tegal Alur, Kalideres. During her visit, Puan monitored starting from the queue of vaccine recipients, the screening room, to the injection room which used classrooms at SMKN 72 Jakarta.

"For the past few days I have been continuously carrying out the DPR's supervisory function to monitor vaccinations, starting from Banten a few days ago with the President, the National Police Chief and the TNI Commander, yesterday in Tambora and now in Tegal Alur, Kalideres," said Puan.

During her visit this time, Puan was accompanied by the Commander of the Jaya Regional Military Command, Maj. Gen. Mulyo Aji, Deputy Chief of the Metro Jaya Police Brigadier General Hendro Pandowo, Deputy Chairman of Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives Charles Honoris and Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives Rieke Diah Pitaloka. Also present were the West Jakarta Mayor, the Kalideres Sub-district Head and the Tegal Alur Village Head.

The first woman who served as the Speaker of the DPR explained that she chose densely populated settlements to directly supervise the vaccination and handling of COVID-19 in the area.

“I came to densely populated settlements because this is where the problem lies. If (settlements) are not congested, it is easier to manage, but if it is dense, it is more difficult, but we really have to work hard for Jakarta, for Indonesia to get out of the Covid-19 pandemic," said Puan.

On this occasion, the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture also had a dialogue with the Tegal Alur Village Head, Kalideres Sub-district Head and West Jakarta Mayor about vaccination and handling of COVID-19 in the residential area.

To the Tegal Alur Suratman village head, Puan asked how the vaccination process was for people with disabilities, such as the elderly and people with disabilities.

From the Mayor of West Jakarta, Uus Kuswanto, Puan received information that vaccinations in West Jakarta have reached more than 60 percent with the target of reaching the green zone in October 2021.

"After becoming a green zone is how to maintain the green zone continues," he said.

Moreover, according to him, as is known at the end of the year, there are Christmas and New Year holidays that must be properly guarded so that there is no spike in COVID-19 cases.