Sandiaga: Bali Is Ready To Test Opening Gate For Foreign Tourists

BADUNG - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno said that currently Bali was ready to conduct a trial opening of the tourism sector for foreign tourists.

"So Bali is ready. We will discuss it, we will evaluate it next week and hopefully if all conditions are conducive, if nothing goes wrong we will try it next month," said Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno in the Seminyak area, Badung Regency, Bali quoted Between, Saturday, September 25.

Sandiaga assessed that the readiness of the industry, especially the tourism sector industry, was getting better, the public's compliance with the implementation of health protocols to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic was increasing, and the COVID-19 condition in Bali was under control.

"This makes us even more optimistic, next week at the coordination meeting we can provide input so that we can test the reopening of Bali in October," he said.

According to him, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy plans to propose Bali as an island whose entire territory can be opened to the tourism sector for foreign tourists.

"But of course if the situation does not allow us to conceptualize three green zones or green zones in Sanur, Ubud, and Nusa Dua. That is what we will prepare carefully, with caution and vigilance," he said.

Menparekraf explained that his party wants in Bali there is a program to increase the ability of tourism actors in the form of upskilling and reskilling so that tourism and creative economy actors have the commitment and knowledge to carry out tourism activities with Cleanliness, Health, Safety & Environment Sustainability (CHSE).

"Later on, there will always be people who remind us of compliance with health protocols, perhaps also integrating Pecalang (Balinese traditional security officers) into this CHSE monitoring and evaluation," he said.

During his two-day visit to the Island of the Gods, Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno carried out a number of activities, including a meeting to prepare for the opening of Bali, visiting Tenganan Pegringsingan Tourism Village in Karangasem and Carangsari Tourism Village in the Badung area and visiting Tuksedo Studio in Gianyar.

In addition, he attended the Indonesian Creative Word Development Workshop Creative Economy Actors in Gianyar, reviewed the 2021 Bali Creative Appreciation Exhibition, and submitted a CHSE certificate for tourism business actors in Bali.