6 Days Disappeared On Mount Guntur After 'Alone' At Post 3, This Garut Pangatikan Resident Was Found

GARUT - A climber who was missing for six days on Mount Guntur, Garut Regency, West Java, was found safe by residents and joint officers today. The victim has been taken to the hospital.

Head of the Bandung SAR Office, Deden Ridwansah, said the victim was found this evening at around 16.00 WIB after being declared missing on Sunday, September 19.

"Survivors were successfully evacuated by joint SAR elements to the Mount Guntur climbing Base Camp to be subsequently evacuated to the Tarogong Kaler Health Center," said Deden as quoted by Antara, Friday, September 24.

The resident of Pangatikan District, Garut, upon arrival at the climbing post, was immediately taken using an ambulance from the Garut BPBD to the Tarogong Kaler Health Center for medical treatment.

Deden said that the discovery of the victim began with local residents who found the victim in Curug Cikoneng or not far from the initial location and was reported missing.

Furthermore, the joint team carried out the process of evacuating victims until 18.00 WIB. After finding the victim, the search process was closed and all officers from various elements were returned to their respective units.

"With survivors found, SAR operations are closed, all SAR elements return to their respective units," he said.

Previously, the victim and a climbing group of 14 people climbed Mount Guntur, Saturday, September 18 afternoon, then camped at Post 3 to rest and continue climbing the next day.

However, when going to climb again, the victim prefers not to continue the journey to the top and remains at Post 3. After his friend descends, the victim is not in the tent, the victim's belongings or equipment are still in place.

Combined officers from elements of Basarnas, TNI, Polri, BKSDA, nature lovers community, the general public, as well as volunteers from various agencies and communities conducted a search until the sixth day the victims were found.