Backed Up By Sri Mulyani And Mahfud MD, Here Are The Names Of The BLBI Evaders Called By The Task Force This Week

JAKARTA - The Task Force for Handling State Claims for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI) continues to summon obligors and debtors who are suspected of evading the central bank's bailout.

It was stated that throughout this week the Task Force had invited a number of parties to attend to account for the state funds used for more than 20 years.

In a press statement given by the Ministry of Finance's Director of Legal and Public Relations, Tri Wahyuningsih Retno Mulyani, five parties have been summoned starting earlier this week.

First, the sons / daughters of Setiawan Harjono and Hendrawan Harjono who are scheduled to come on Monday, September 20, 2021 to settle the case of state receivables amounting to Rp3.57 trillion. However, the presence is represented by the legal representative concerned.

Two, the obligor/debtor on behalf of Kaharudin Ongko with a state receivable value of more than Rp. 8.61 trillion, represented by PT AMMA's attorney.

"(The debt value) includes administrative costs," Tri said as quoted on Friday, September 24.

Just so you know, the jumbo value of Kaharudin's debt is assessed by the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani as unable to be fulfilled by proportional payment of obligations to the state. This was revealed by the Minister of Finance during a virtual press conference in the middle of this week.

"Until now, the rate of return on the debts concerned is very small," said the Minister of Finance.

For this reason, decisive action was taken by seizing Kaharudin's assets worth Rp. 110 billion in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

"A forced effort was made by the state receivables affairs committee against the debtor through a forced letter and the prevention of traveling abroad," he said.

Third, is the name that is quite legendary in the BLBI case, namely Sjamsul Nursalim. The former boss of the Indonesian National Trade Bank (BDNI) was summoned by the Task Force on Wednesday, September 22. However, the invitation was represented by his attorney who tried to resolve the debt problem of Rp.470.65 billion.

Four, debtors/obligors on behalf of Era Persada with a summons scheduled for Thursday, September 23 which was later rescheduled on Friday, September 24. Meanwhile, the value of state receivables that must be settled amounted to Rp. 118.70 trillion.

Fifth, Kwan Benny Ahadi with an obligation value of Rp. 157.72 billion. For Kwan, this is the second summons, which means that this call is personal and not announced through the mass media.

It is known that he himself was not present in the agenda drawn up by the Task Force on Thursday, September 23. However, as a form of obedience, Kwan sent his attorney on behalf of Albertus Banunaek and Erry Putriyanti.

Previously, the BLBI Task Force spearheaded by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani and the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD had called several big names in the country to solve this problem.

VOI noted that the Bakrie clan was also dragged into the BLBI vortex. They are Nirwan Dermawan Bakrie and Indra Usmansyah Bakrie with a state receivable value of Rp22 billion. Not only that, the Task Force has also summoned the Suharto family on behalf of Hutomo Mandala Putra alias Tommy Suharto, who is reported to have a debt of IDR 2.61 trillion.