Police Will Take Firm Action Against The Issuer Of Jalan Djoko Tjandra

JAKARTA - Circulating travel documents in the name of Djoko Tjandra on the Jakarta route to Pontianak and back to Jakarta. The letter was said to have been issued by Bareskrim Polri.

The head of the National Police's Criminal Investigation Agency, Komjen Sigit Listyo Sigit, said that his party would take firm action against any member involved behind the issuance of the pass. A special team will be formed to investigate the people involved.

"The pass should be followed by the National Police Propam Division and form a joint team to thoroughly investigate whoever is involved and if it is proven that I will take firm action against the individuals involved," Listyo said, Wednesday, July 15.

The road letter for Djoko Tjandra was said to have been issued by the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit through the PPNS Coordination and Supervision Bureau, Number: SJ / 82 / VI / 2020 / Rokorwas, dated June 18, 2020, signed by the Head of the PPNS Coordination and Supervision Bureau of the National Police Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo.

In the travel letter, it was written that Djoko Tjandra left for Pontianak, West Kalimantan from Jakarta on June 19 and returned on June 22, 2020.

Later, continued Listyo, firm action against the people involved was also a way to give a strong warning to other members. Because, it is very detrimental and defamatory the good name of the Police institution.

"For members who cannot follow please resign from Bareskrim," he said.

The circulation of travel documents on behalf of Djoko Tjandra originated from findings put forward by the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI). The findings have also been submitted to the Indonesian Ombudsman and DPR RI.

With this handover, MAKI hopes to be discussed by Commission III of the DPR RI, Kemenkum HAM, the Attorney General's Office and the Police. However, who originally distributed this letter has not been revealed.