BPK Finds Regional Losses Of Jember Regency More Than IDR 200 Billion

JEMBER - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) Representative of East Java Province found regional losses to the Jember Regency Government (Pemkab) per semester 1 of 2021 as many as 1,361 cases with a value of more than Rp. 200 billion.

"We have received a letter of monitoring results on the settlement of regional losses per semester 1 year from the East Java BPK stating the value reached Rp. 200,579,617,399.97 which was the result of an audit of the use of the previous year's budget," said Chairman of the Jember DPRD M. Itqon Syauqi, quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 23.

According to him, there were 1,361 cases with details of regional losses to the treasurer as many as zero cases, then the state losses to non-treasury civil servants as many as 246 cases with a value of around Rp. 9.67 billion.

Then the regional losses to third parties were zero cases, while regional losses which were still in the form of information derived from the results of the BPK examination were recorded in 559 cases worth Rp. 187.43 billion, and regional losses involving functional supervisory officers were 556 cases with a value of Rp. 3.48 billion.

"Of the total loss of state money of more than IDR 200 billion, the amount that has been deposited into the regional treasury is IDR 29 billion and the remaining that must be deposited into the regional treasury is IDR 171.4 billion," said Itqon.

He explained that BPK recommended to the Regent of Jember to order the Head of the Regional Loss Settlement Team to immediately process the settlement of regional losses.

"Or take legal action in accordance with the applicable provisions on the results of the BPK examination and the results of the supervision of functional officers related to regional losses in accordance with applicable regulations," said the Jember PKB politician.

Itqon said the BPK's assessment of regional financial management within the Jember Regency Government would never achieve an unqualified opinion (WTP) if the regional losses were not completely resolved.