Dedi Mulyadi Asks Residents Not To Hunt Tigers Mount Sanggabuana Karawang

KARAWANG - Deputy Chairman of Commission IV of the DPR, Dedi Mulyadi, asked residents not to hunt leopards, following the death of dozens of sheep in the forest area of Mount Sanggabuana, Karawang Regency, West Java.

"It's not entirely the tiger's fault, but the residents. Why keep sheep in the forest," said Dedi Mulyadi, quoted by Antara, Monday, September 20.

Dedi Mulyadi admitted that he had previously received reports from residents regarding the discovery of dozens of sheep in Tegalwaru District, Karawang that were killed by tigers from Mount Sanggabuana.

After being visited to the location, apparently the sheep were reared by releasing them into the forest area at the foot of Mount Sanggabuana.

Dedi Mulyadi assessed that the foot of Mount Sanggabuana should not be used as a location for livestock, because it is already in a forest area.

For Kang Dedi, releasing domesticated sheep in the forest area of Mount Sanggabuana is the same as luring a tiger down the mountain.

According to local people, tigers started attacking sheep at the foot of Mount Sanggabuana several months ago. So far, there have been around 30-40 sheep that have died from being attacked by leopards.

According to the information gathered, residents plan to hunt tigers by giving poison to dead sheep. Because the tiger is likely to come back down to take the rest of the food in the form of hunted sheep, as food reserves.

However, Dedi Mulyadi forbade the residents' plans, because it was not entirely the tiger's fault. Dedi Mulyadi suspected that there was habitat destruction that caused the tigers to descend to hunt sheep.

“I will replace the affairs of the dead sheep, with a note to help guard Mount Sanggabuana. This is if a lamb that has been poisoned and then eaten by a tiger, the tiger can die. Later, the tiger hordes will descend out of revenge and eventually terrorize the residents,” he said.

Therefore, Dedi Mulyadi asked residents not to hunt the leopard on Mount Sanggabuana, let alone poison the dead sheep as bait to kill the tiger.