So You Don't Get Bored, Here Are 7 Fun Activities With Children Even At Home

JAKARTA – Whatever the situation, home is the safest and most comfortable place for children. To overcome boredom, parents can initiate fun activities to do at home.

Although it still requires social relations, but the health of children is not the most important thing. That is, occasionally it's okay to play outside the house and fill the weekend with the following 7 activities.

1. Virtual traveling

Since the pandemic, various responses have been made, including traveling platform innovators. Even more fun, you and your children can move from your work desk to the television room to enjoy a tour of museums, art galleries, and one spot destination that has a virtual traveling platform.

2. Cycling around the complex

Cycling since the pandemic is a popular activity. Because crossing routes that can be accessed by cyclists is certainly not a busy and crowded route. In fact, if you are interested in preparing a route in advance. Then choose open places to stop for a while with the children.

The safest, choose an open place and not crowded with visitors. This can be useful to make you refreshing as well as fun for children.

3. Making cakes

Making cakes or baking can train children's fine motor movements. If you are worried about being bothered and spending a lot of budget on ingredients, you can choose the simplest cake that only requires 3 to 5 ingredients.

4. Watch serial movies

Discuss with the children first before deciding on a serial film that can be watched with the family. You can give options, such as animated films, three-dimensional films, or types of family-friendly films.

5. Gardening

Parents who have a large collection of ornamental plants and fruiting plants can involve their children to participate in exploring and caring for plants. You can teach how to properly water, repot, or arrange plants.

6. Role play

If the baby is approaching school age, they can have fun activities on the weekends even at home by playing a role. Parents can introduce a number of professions, such as doctors, pilots, teachers, and traders.

7. Camping

Fun activities that can be done are camping indoors or in the yard. If you are thinking of camping indoors, let your child's creativity develop by building a tent out of blankets.

Let his imagination develop through asking questions, for example at night there is a moon and a sun during the day.

In addition to the 7 recommendations above, there are lots of activities that can be done. Be sure to involve your child in expressing his ideas about what activities he wants to do this weekend.